Bracket Format 0.2

  • Categoría: Editors
  • Licencia: Freeware
  • Tamaño: < 1 KB
  • Sistema: w95 w98 wNT wME w2000 wXP
  • Idiomas:

A script for PsPad which deletes keys and brackets from source code.

Every now and then new extensions or scripts arrive to add to the popular PsPad programming editor; this Bracket Format is one of them.

Bracket Format is a script to apply to PsPad documents which makes the source code text much more legible. It changes the structure of the keys and brackets for a much more legible one. Thus the text will be more accessible and easy to understand. Bracket Format changes the typical “{“ and “}” for commentary blocks or directly ignores them.

The Bracket Format script is totally free.


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